Endless Flower (Rancid Idols Productions, 2021)
A collection of 300 haiku, senryū and other forms of micropoetry. Contains The Art Of Conduction, a sequence of 100 senryū exploring the power of music and the orchestra. Gumroad, Apple Books, Scribd, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords |
The Dogs of Humanity (Fly On The Wall Press, 2019)
The collection champions the downtrodden, the bullied, the scorned, the misunderstood, while also pointing a finger to those who mistreat others. These are poems of hurt, of empathy and resilience, but most of all, of the want for a kinder world. Print | Kindle |
the x of y (Eyewear Publishing, 2018)
Reality and escapism, protection and peeling away, prayer and sacrilege, resistance and surrender; navigating an often complex and uneven playing field, Colin Dardis strives to find balance from a life constantly fluctuating between profit and loss. The poems on offer here explore questions of existence and identity, asking who we really are, and how we can possibly be. (Out of print, available from third party sellers) |
Dusk Chorus (self published, 2012)
Forty poems linked by the common themes of dusk, dawn, sleep and insomnia. (purchase via Gumroad) |
Dōji: A Blunder (Lapwing Publications, 2013)
Dōji: 1. Shuten-Dōji: a mythical Japanese demon leader. 2. doji n. a stock-trading session in which the opening and closing prices are (nearly) the same. From the Japanese dōji: どじ a blunder; a blunderer; a fool or foolish thing. Order Online (chapbook) |
left of soul (self published, 2010)
"Colin is a poet who displays hunger for understanding of himself and the world around him. His poetry display an ever present sense of hope through times of love, sadness, death and joy, while sprakling with humour, honesty, modesty, and a touch of the absurd." (out of print) |